Monday, December 7, 2009

GASP!: Little Girl Asks Copenhagen Attendees to 'Save World'

Remember what Pelosi said. She's trying to save the planet. LOL! She's trying to save the planet from a bunch of NOTHING, and so are all these bozos at the Copenhagen conference. Our children are a constant target of indoctrination and are being used as pawns to guilt us into thinking capitalism is bad.

I'm just trying to see how long it will take--amid Climategate--for the people of the world to revolt against all this nonsense. Global warming has been exposed and debunked, but these liberals aren't going to let their boondoggle go without a fight.

What do alarmists resort to? Alarm, of course. Read our GASP! series and the warmlist to see just how out of control this scam THAT CAUSES EVERYTHING has become.

Opening ceremonies began with a short film featuring children of the future facing an apocalypse of tempests and desert landscapes if world leaders failed to act today.

"There will be hundreds of millions of refugees," Rajendra Pachauri, head of the UN's panel of climate scientists, said in the film.
"Please help save the world," said a little girl, plaintively.

[From AFP: Copenhagen climate conference opens to dire warnings]