Sunday, January 3, 2010

Deep Freeze in Deep South Kills Deep Stupidity

Let's face it...the last few years have been really bad for the alarmist cult followers of global warming. Climategate, Copen-faken, and empirical evidence (not to mention REAL SCIENCE) have been stacking up against them.

Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. East Coast faces the coldest night of the season as frigid air spills south and threatens agriculture in Georgia, Alabama and the orange crop in Florida.

Freeze warnings were posted by the National Weather Service as far south as the Orlando area, which may be as many as 20 degrees below normal tonight, the National Weather Service said. The advisory alerts growers that subfreezing temperatures are imminent and may kill crops or other sensitive vegetation.

[From U.S. East Coast Faces Deep Freeze; Florida Oranges Threatened -]