Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October: Nor'easter already??!

Just in time for Prince Charles' latest global warming fear proclamation. The vast array of empirical evidence collecting month by month continues demonstrating just how bogus this load of manmade climate change bull is.

Nor`easter Dumps Snow, Rain:

A potent nor'easter will blast the Northeast today with strong winds, heavy rain and wet snow as a huge dip in the jet stream pushes cold air as far south as central Florida.
Near-record cold, and mountain snow:
Snow is accumulating this afternoon in the North Carolina mountains, and the rest of the Carolinas is shivering in the first cold outbreak of the season.

Temperatures that are more than 15 degrees below normal for this time of year, combined with strong northwest winds, are making today uncomfortably chilly in the Charlotte metro region.

But the cold snap is more pronounced in the mountains, where the strong winds are accompanied by snow showers.

The National Weather Service said that up to 3 inches of snow had accumulated by midday in some parts of the mountains. Snow is still falling this afternoon, and a dusting is even being reported in some lower elevations, such as Asheville.

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