Sunday, March 28, 2010

Poll: Germans Less Worried About Warming After Record Winter

Har har. Note how the article makes the distinction that 'weather has nothing to do with climate.' Of course, publications like this never make that distinction when they're trying to convince you that empirical weather events are THE RESULT of global warming (i.e., hurricanes, storms, floods, etc.).

Sorry media, but if you're going to claim weather is the result of warming in one instance and not indicative of warming in another, you're losing credibility. People aren't morons. You are. But not people (because you media morons aren't're like stupid robots).

Germans are losing their fear of climate change, according to a survey, with just 42 percent worried about global warming.

It seems the long and chilly winter has taken its toll on climate change sensibilities despite the fact that weather has nothing to do with climate.

The latest figure is a clear drop from the 62 percent of Germans who said they were scared of such changes just last autumn.

The new survey, carried out by polling company Infratest for Der Spiegel magazine, showed a quarter of those questioned thought Germany would profit from climate change rather than be badly affected by it.

[From Germans lose fear of climate change after long, hard winter - The Local]